Sick Child Guidelines




Deciding when a child is too sick to go to school can be a difficult decision for parents to make.  When trying to decide, use the guidelines below and seek the advice of your health care provider.

 FEVER: If your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, he/she must stay home.  Your child cannot return to school until the fever has been gone for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications (ie. Tylenol, Advil....)

 COLDS:  Your child should stay home if he/she has a thick, colored discharge from the nose or has a wheezing, croupy cough.  If the cold is associated with a fever of > 100 degrees, your child must remain at home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone and their appetite returns to normal.

 CONJUNCTIVITIS (PINK EYE): When the white of the eye is clear (no redness) with no colored drainage,  and at least 24 hours after the child begins using antibiotic eye drops, he/she is no longer contagious and may return to school.

IMPETIGO (localized crusty skin infection):  Your child may return to school only after using prescribed medication for at least 24 hours.  Infected areas must be covered when the child returns. The child may not return to school with open, oozing sores.

RASH:  Your child should stay home and be evaluated by a health care provider for any unknown rashes.

STREP THROAT:  Your child may return to school when their temperature is normal for at least 24 hours and the child has taken antibiotics for at least 24 hours.  All severe sore throats and swollen glands should be evaluated by a health care provider.

VOMITING/DIARRHEA:  Your child may not return to school until there is no fever or vomiting/diarrhea for at least 24 hours and has tolerated at least two normal meals.

In the event that your child does not have a fever, if they are exhibiting negative changes in behavior, temperament, or classroom performance due to various health concerns (i.e. fatigue, colds, severe headaches, etc.) you will be called to pick up your child.

Please consider the health of your child and the other children in the school and follow these guidelines before sending your child back to school.  You will be called by the school nurse to come and pick up your child from school in the event that these guidelines are not met.

Please keep these guidelines handy in order to determine when your child can come back to school after being ill.                                                                               

Thank you. 


Betsey N. Levesque RN

School Nurse